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Best known for its stone circles and castles, the United Kingdom includes four separate countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Travellers adore its unique blend of baroque and modern architecture, historical sites, and world-renowned museums. Book your flight to the United Kingdom with Royal Brunei Airlines and get priority boarding and early-meal selection when you pre-purchase a preferred seat.

Tour the English Countryside

Walk in the footsteps of Neolithic humans when you visit Stonehenge. After exploring the famous standing stones, go to the visitor’s centre to find relics excavated from the surrounding area. Then, journey to the Roman Baths in nearby Bath. At this ancient bathhouse, you’ll see beautiful mosaics, learn about Roman bathing practices, and discover their clever underfloor heating system. Next, head to Windsor Castle to witness the changing of the guard, hear the marching band, and tour the state apartments.

Discover London

Head to downtown London to the Victoria and Albert Museum, where you’ll find a beautiful collection of Islamic art, including a 10th-century Rock crystal ewer, calligraphy, and ceramics. Cap off your trip with a night of theatre at Shakespeare’s Globe, a reconstruction of the Elizabethan Globe Theatre.