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Located on the island of Borneo, Brunei is a small country with a fascinating history and is replete with detailed, awe-inspiring architecture. Book your flight to Brunei with Royal Brunei Airlines and pre-purchase preferred seating for extra legroom and priority boarding, while arriving ready to fully experience the country’s many natural and cultural wonders.

Explore Parks in Brunei

Brunei has a lush, tropical climate, and the country’s rainforests are protected. Take a short boat ride to immerse yourself in Brunei’s jungle in Ulu Temburong National Park, home to Ulu Ulu Resort. Conversely you can hike from Brunei’s capital city to Tasek Lama Recreational Park where you can explore the jungle and experience stunning views.

See Architecture in Brunei

Brunei hosts a bevy of impressive architecture, including opulent mosques and royal buildings. Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque is considered one of the most beautiful mosques in the world and the nearby Istana Nurul Iman is the official residence to the Sultan of Brunei and members of the Royal Family.

Learn About History in Brunei

Brunei has a long legacy, from native settlements to its time as a British territory, to its independence today. You can learn more about the history of Brunei at the Brunei Museum, the Malay Technology Museum, and the Royal Regalia Museum. Each museum is home to historic artefacts and informative exhibits from different time periods.