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Plan ahead and enjoy better fares from Saudi Arabia to Australia 

FromJeddah (JED)ToMelbourne (MEL)Round-trip
12 November 2024 - 17 December 2024



Viewed 1 day ago

*Best fares found by others within the last 48 hours and are subject to availability.

Known as the “Land Down Under,” Australia spans nearly 7.7 million square kilometres and is full of dynamic experiences, from hiking tranquil trails, to interacting with local wildlife, and experiencing history and culture in its many museums. The country boasts captivating destinations including the coastal city of Brisbane and the cultural and sporting capital of Melbourne. Book your international flight to Australia with Royal Brunei Airlines to experience stellar service and warm Bruneian hospitality while underway.

Explore Brisbane

Enjoy a memorable quest in the capital of Queensland with a trip to the Mt Cooth-ha Lookout, featuring unforgettable vistas of the city. Then, make your way back down to Brisbane Botanical Gardens to gaze at the stunning flora. If you prefer fauna, travel to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary to snap photos of koalas and other adorable Australian animals, such as kangaroos and wombats.

Explore Melbourne

Enjoy a unique vantage point of the coastal capital of Victoria from 91 stories above the Southbank at the Eureka Tower. Afterwards, visit the Ian Potter Centre in Federation Square, or take in the gorgeous greenery at the Royal Botanic Gardens.

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