Claim Missing Mileage

Claim Missing Mileage

Don’t see your recent flight in account?

Log in to your Royal Skies account and submit the “Claim Missing Miles” form.

All you need is your travel date and

  • Airline reservation reference, or
  • E-ticket number, or
  • Origin and Destination

Once a claim has been submitted, please allow up to 8 working weeks to be processed.

All missing mileage claims can be submitted if travel is within 6 months of the claim date.

To make sure you always receive Royal Skies miles earned,

  • Make a reservation as per passport and per Royal Skies profile name
  • Include your membership number in your reservation
  • Present your membership number at check-in

Frequently Asked Questions

I just joined Royal Skies. Can I claim missing mileage?

Yes, you may claim missing mileage if the travel is within 6 months.

I just joined Royal Skies. Will I earn status miles for my past flights?

Yes, status miles will be earned for flights taken before your enrolment date.

How long does it take for my Missing Mileage Claim request to be processed?

Please allow up to 8 working weeks for the claim to be processed.

I received a name surname mismatch error when submitting a claim online.

If you received a name surname mismatch error, this is due to the name on the reservation and Royal Skies profile being different.

Please complete the Membership Profile Update form to update your name as per passport.

I received a passenger not found on flight error when submitting a claim online.

Some or all of the details submitted are incorrect. Please check and resubmit the claim online once more.

Can I earn Royal Skies miles for the ticket I bought for someone else?

Royal Skies miles can only be earned by the member who is travelling, regardless of who bought the ticket.