

Haikou – which translates to “Mouth of the Sea” is situated on the northern coast of Hainan province, by the mouth of the Nandu River and a short ride away to beautiful and serene sandy beaches.

Come Fly With Us to 海口

Destination Haikou

Haikou – which translates to “Mouth of the Sea” is situated on the northern coast of Hainan province, by the mouth of the Nandu River and a short ride away to beautiful and serene sandy beaches.


Explore Haikou’s stunning historical sites in tropical settings such as the Wugong Temple – known as the Temple of the Five Lord from the Ming Dynasty, and journey through Haikou Shishan Crater Cluster National Geological Oark – which hosts one of the few dormant volcanic clusters from the Holocene period. 

Dining & Nightlife

Explore Guaomao – Haikou’s newest downtown area for its vibrant nightlife. In the evening, small outdoor restaurants and stalls fill the streets and are at their busiest from 9.00pm to 1.00am.

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